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Giving families peace of mind.

Private Silicon Inc. develops solutions that enable families and caregivers to effectively engage and check in on the well-being of their loved ones. Effortlessly, privately and securely.

Our Private Circle solution features:

Built-in Privacy and Security

  • Private, secure and encrypted “cloud-free” peer-to-peer audio and video calls.

    Family controlled and administered ensuring access only by authorized users within a circle of care

  • No spam calls and no scams targeting older adults.

  • Nobody can intrude into a family’s “circle of care” without authorization.

Magic Interface-Free Telepresence

  • No-touch or one-touch “interface free” audio/video communications meeting the unique needs of older adults.

  • Tele-presence: leverages a TV for a large screen experience bringing a “life-size” image of friends and family into the older adult’s home deepening a sense of connection.

Extendable and Enhanceable Ecosystem

  • Extendable further into the home and additional rooms through additional speakers with built-in microphones, cameras and sensors at a family’s option.

  • Wellness tracking through sensors monitoring motion, location, fall detection, temperature and more.

Accurate “Smart” Wellness Notifications

  • Timely and accurate event notifications including location, movement status, and environmental and wellness factors ensure peace of mind with no false alarms.

  • Extendable enhanceable, and smart. Private Circle can learn an older adult’s movement and location habits and patterns improving the accuracy of notifications.

  • Designed to enhance autonomy while delivering peace of mind allowing older adults to age in place.

The World is Rapidly Ageing

Ageing and Demographic Trends in Europe and North America will increase pressures on families, the economy and society.

"Every country in the world is experiencing growth in both the size and proportion of older persons in the population." - WHO

  • By 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be aged 60 years or over.

  • By 2050, the global number of older persons is projected to more than double, reaching over 1.5 billion.

  • Countries within the EU and North America are experiencing significant demographic changes due to an ageing population.

  • Ageing populations across the EU, Canada, and the USA, will have various implications for healthcare, social security, labour markets and economic productivity in the future.

  • The rapidly expanding global population of older adults has resulted in a substantial number of older adults living alone or living apart from their families and social support networks.

  • Social Isolation has been shown to escalate the likelihood of several serious health conditions increasing the burden of care on families and public health.

  • Families and caregivers, already overwhelmed with responsibilities, need a straightforward and secure solution to communicate with and check in on the well-being of the older adults under their care.

Ageing and Demographic Trends in Europe and North America will increase pressures on families, the economy and society.

Given the rapid growth in the older adult population and the associated increase in the age dependency ratio, enabling ageing in place is an important policy goal that can help governments and society address the challenges of population aging cost-effectively and humanely.

Ageing in Place

Providing the necessary support, incentives, and infrastructure to allow older adults to remain in their homes and communities is a wise investment that can improve their quality of life and reduce the burden on the healthcare and social welfare systems.

There are several incentives for society and governments to encourage and support aging in place for older adults as demographics shift towards an aging population. Here are some key reasons:

Cost savings: Institutionalized care in nursing homes or long-term care facilities is extremely costly for governments and individuals. Enabling older adults to remain in their homes and communities through in-home care and supportive services is generally much more cost-effective.

Preference for independence: Most older adults prefer to maintain their independence and autonomy by staying in their familiar home environments for as long as possible, rather than moving to institutional settings.

Reduced strain on healthcare systems: When older adults can age in place safely with adequate support, it reduces strain on hospitals and emergency rooms by preventing falls, medication errors, and other adverse events that often land older adults in costly acute care.

Maintenance of social ties: Aging in place allows older adults to preserve their existing social networks, community connections, and support systems, which are crucial for mental and emotional well-being.

Meeting growing demand: As the older adult population expands, there will be increasing demand for alternatives to institutional care. Home and community-based services will be essential to meet this demand.

Delaying/preventing institutionalization: Aging-in-place initiatives can help older adults remain independent and delay or avoid entirely the need for institutional long-term care for as long as possible.

While aging in place does require investment in home modification, caregiver support, transportation and other services, the potential cost savings and quality of life benefits make it an appealing approach for governments facing the challenges of an aging demographic. Proactive policies and programs that enable aging in place can benefit older adults, families and society as a whole.

In a world where the population is rapidly aging, families and caregivers require a straightforward, secure, and private means to communicate with and check in on older adults.

Older Adults

Many older adults may be reluctant to share their emotional, physical, and cognitive needs and vulnerabilities with their caregivers, creating a cycle of stress and strain within the family dynamics.

Many caregivers strive to provide a sense of stability for older adults by taking control over their daily activities, aiming to minimize uncertainty and manage potential challenges.

However, this well-intentioned approach can inadvertently make older adults feel like they have lost their independence and dignity.

Older adults want to feel the security of knowing that if something happens to them in their homes and they need assistance, someone will be informed promptly.

They want a simple way to communicate with their friends and family, to keep in touch, so that they don’t feel isolated and lonely.


Caregivers lead busy lives, whether they reside with or apart from their older adult family members.

As a result, managing their own responsibilities alongside the needs and experiences of older adults can be highly stressful and disruptive. This can impact work schedules, limit personal activities, and create a sense of unpredictability.

Additionally, caregivers often experience feelings of guilt, regret, and helplessness, believing they have not done enough to meet the needs of the older adults in their care.

Caregivers want a way to quickly and effortlessly check in with their loved ones that older adults feel comfortable and secure using.

They want to monitor older adults’ wellness in a way that is unintrusive, private and secure while preserving their loved ones’ dignity.

Use Cases and Family Stories

Elaine, a 47-year-old HR manager, strives to balance her demanding job, three children, and a loving husband. Her mother, who is 72, lives alone 75km away in Elaine’s childhood home. During a recent visit, Elaine noticed her mother’s declining health and loneliness.

Elaine’s mother, valuing her independence, doesn’t ask for help, but she misses spending time with her grandkids. Despite Elaine’s efforts to visit regularly, her work schedule and her youngest child’s activities limit her time like millions of others. As a result, Elaine feels guilty and feels that she’s neglecting her mother and weakening the family connection.

Yearning for support, she wishes she had siblings nearby to share the responsibility, but her older brother lives abroad. Elaine feels overwhelmed, resentful, and exhausted while micromanaging her mother’s affairs to ensure her well-being and safety.

Is there a way forward for Elaine, her mother, and this family? Yes, we believe so.

Interview with Elaine an adult child with an older adult parent

Let’s hear from someone like so many of us in this situation. Elaine will shed light on her experience on this topic.

What has Elaine and her family tried? / How can we help Elaine and her family?

According to Elaine, the family has tried current communications technologies and solutions. Elaine has expressed that these solutions fall short. For instance, she said:

“When I phone my Mom I only hear her voice, I can’t see her. I can use various video chat apps but I can only see her face. I can’t see if her walking is unsteady, or whether the home looks comfortable and taken care of…so there is still a level of disconnect relative to an in-person visit.”

Elaine also mentioned technology barriers:

“There are steps to connecting through video chat apps that take some learning. If Mom is trying to use an app on her phone versus her tablet there are different steps needed to connect, In some cases, she needs to find and click on a link or have a code. Sometimes, she has connected automatically but can’t activate the camera feature…and it is even worse if she is initiating the contact”

“and another problem… she can’t even see us properly because the screens on these devices are tiny.”

Interviewer: So these apps can hinder rather than facilitate the connection you and your Mom need. I can see how that could be frustrating. How is your Mom doing at navigating the digital world?

“Well, one thing that makes us kind of uncomfortable is that we are forced to consent to all of these apps collecting and using our information. It feels intrusive. And, she gets texts and messages from scammers probably targeting her because she is older. I’d like to protect her from that.”

Interviewer: So in a way, these devices and apps are an access point for that kind of thing?

“Yes, for sure!”

Interviewer: So, having a solution that offers ‘a better way to connect’ like ‘Private Circle’ would help?


How Private Circle Benefits Elaine and Her Family

Private Circle offers convenience, ease of use, and privacy for families like Elaine’s. With Private Circle, Elaine and her Mom can easily connect as if they were together.

Elaine can stay connected using any device, anytime, anywhere, making it simple for her to check in or chat. Other family members, like grandkids and those living far away, can also connect easily. Private Circle includes safety features like infrared cameras and motion sensors for peace of mind.

Elaine’s Mom can receive calls through her TV without needing to deal with devices or sign-ins. The system automatically connects her to her family, but she can also manage connections with a one-touch option.

Private Circle allows Elaine’s family to stay close and provide support, even when they can’t be there in person. Elaine’s Mom feels safe, connected, and independent, while the family can maintain their quality of life.

The marketplace offers limited solutions to address this challenge. Existing products fail to provide the necessary features such as 'check-in' and feedback on household situations and the surrounding environment of older adults. We aim to change this ...

Our Solution

The “Private Silicon” solution offers families a hardware-based solution that enables secure communication between family members and caregivers and provides convenient monitoring of older adults’ well-being. Caregivers can effectively communicate and ensure the safety and comfort of older adults with ease.

By addressing the challenges faced in this rapidly expanding market, “Private Silicon” promotes healthy interactions and provides essential support to families. Its user-friendly interface and advanced monitoring capabilities meet the needs of caregivers and older adults alike.

Our solution is designed to address the emotional, cognitive, physical, and digital literacy requirements of older adults, while also linking them to a broader support network.

Our Goals

  1. Increase predictability for caregivers in managing daily activities, creating a more stable and manageable environment for older adults.
  2. Support the need for independence and dignity of older adults, empowering caregivers to provide respectful and person-centred care.
  3. Foster positive family engagement, promoting meaningful connections and shared experiences within the caregiving setting.
  4. Reduce older adult isolation and encourage open communication, creating a supportive environment where needs and vulnerabilities can be freely expressed.
  5. Simplify technology engagement for older adults by considering emotional, physical, and cognitive barriers, ensuring accessibility and ease of use.
  6. Expand caregivers’ visibility into the daily lives of older adults, offering a comprehensive view of their home environment and activities.

Outcomes and Benefits

  1. Enhance caregivers’ understanding of the older adults’ living conditions and daily routines, allowing for more informed caregiving decisions and personalized support.
  2. By increasing the aperture and view into the home of the older adult, “Private Silicon” enables caregivers and family members to have a deeper insight into their loved ones’ lives, fostering a stronger sense of connection and facilitating more effective care.
  3. By addressing these goals and benefits, the “Private Silicon” solution aims to meet the challenges faced by caregivers and older adults, providing a secure communication platform and convenient monitoring capabilities to enhance well-being and facilitate healthy interactions and support.
  4. Additionally, it offers a unique advantage by offering check-ins and feedback on household situations and surroundings, ensuring a predictable and safe setting for older adults.
  5. Furthermore, it expands the caregiver’s perspective into the older adult’s home, enabling a comprehensive view that promotes effective caregiving and peace of mind.

Current Status

  • Private Silicon’s relevant product features have been identified through sociological studies, numerous interviews with families, older adults, and caregivers and market research.
  • Lessons and conclusions from academic studies have been considered in the development plan.
  • Several versions of Private Silicon prototypes have been developed and successfully tested.
  • Support is being received in the European Union from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).
  • A national patent has been granted and published in Austria.
  • A Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) international patent application has been filed.

An Experienced Team

Privacy and Security Expertise

The members of the Private Silicon Team have extensive international experience in developing security solutions across various industries, including healthcare, data analytics, information security, identification, secure communications, and payment systems.

Experience with Social Enterprises and Non-Profits

Additionally, our team has over two decades of experience consulting and developing technology projects for non-profit organizations, charities, and NGOs in the environmental sector, as well as public and post-secondary educational institutions. Some of our notable clients include Ashoka Canada, CanRea, David Suzuki Foundation, Pembina Institute, Ryerson University, U of T, and York University.

Hardware Design, Manufacturing, and Deployment

We understand that designing and manufacturing hardware is a complex task. That’s why our team brings decades of experience in engineering, design, project management, manufacturing, and deployment of sophisticated hardware products and solutions.

Healthcare Sector Expertise

Our team has an in-depth understanding of the healthcare sector and has successfully collaborated with healthcare leaders and researchers to ensure secure and personalized healthcare engagement. We have also developed HIPAA-compliant mobile solutions for secure and remote patient engagement, generated intellectual property and patents to advance mobile technology and data security, and implemented social work theories and principles to promote mental health and support family systems. Furthermore, we are actively exploring technology solutions to address mental health and community health in the social work sector.

Founding Team



Has 25+ years of experience designing and developing secure systems for payment, identification, telco, defence industries and manufacturing electronic equipment.



Has 20+ years of experience in managing the development of software for use in the healthcare, government, and military sectors combined with academic training and practice in the field of social work specializing in mental health.



Has 20+ years of experience in business development, consulting and developing technology projects for non-profits, charities, and NGOs in the environmental sector and public and post-secondary educational institutions.

Ensuring Privacy, Secure Communications and Data Integrity

With extensive expertise in cryptography, cybersecurity, secure communications systems, smart cards, payment systems, and secure identification systems, our team has worked on a wide range of solutions, including:

  • Developing secure communications products for governments, the military, and enterprise customers who require the highest level of private communication security.
  • Designing and implementing secure payment systems that support VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and Interac payment protocols.
  • Making significant contributions to the implementation and development of Germany’s electronic passport (e-passport) system.
  • Collaborating with MasterCard and the US Department of Treasury to develop the first chip-and-pin credit card.
  • Creating innovative mobile technology and data security inventions and patent applications for a leading healthcare sector organization specializing in technology, data, and advanced analytics to promote human health.

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